November 25th is Small Business Saturday, proudly backed by American Express. Dedicated to supporting the diverse range of local businesses that create jobs, boost the economy, and enhance neighborhoods around the country, Small Business Saturday was created by American Express in 2010 in response to small business owners’ most pressing need: getting more customers. Learn more at and connect with us on,,
The Chamber will promote all participating local businesses as well as list all special Small Business Saturday deals on The site also provides a digital map to help you find those Shop Small savings. Take part in the #ShopSmall Selfie Event! Show-off your shopping skills by taking photos at your favorite local businesses. Post to the Chamber Shop Small FB Event page, tag the businesses in each photo and share them with hashtags; #AmexSBSChampion, #ShopSmall, #SmallBizSat, and #ItsAllHereLocal.
Small Business Saturday celebrates the diversity of small businesses across the U.S. and the Waynesville-St. Robert Chamber of Commerce recognizes the importance of supporting small businesses, the jobs they help create, and the culture they foster in local communities. The Small Business Economic Impact Study also found that in addition to small businesses directly employing members of the community, spending by those small businesses and their employees in the area also supports local jobs – in fact, for every ten jobs at a small business another seven are supported in the local community.
Saturday Nov 25, 2023
November 25, 2023
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Waynesville-St. Robert Area Chamber of Commerce for more information.
137 St. Robert Blvd., Ste. B, St. Robert, MO 65584-3372 – (573) 336-5121 –